Saturday, 24 October 2015

It is Temporary

Its all temporary!
Its all going to change,
Do not  try too hard to catch it, don’t hassle too much to latch it,
Nor do u want to try too hard to break it,
if feel stuck up somewhere or with someone,
 you don’t have to break free on the spur only to realize later that you lack it,
The sorrows and the pain,
 The love , the success that you gain,
It is all temporary, just embrace it!

This life and its moments,
Lasts like a bubble,
If it had worried about the short time it had,
Never would have it, burst out so glad,
Had the flowers thought of their short lived fate,
They would always bloom late,
More than the destination,
It’s the journey that matters,
Whenever you feel stuck up,
Don’t sulk nor do you have to buckle up,
Extremes do you no good but ,
Only lead you to to the path or the decisions, 
which your soul was never meant to travel,
Those choices are outcomes of short lived rebels.
These fickle minded and frigid journeys are not only tiresome
but are also one way!!

Once crossed, home is never back
So my dear! in such times stay back!

Neither reflect too much, nor react such,
Sun will set, would rise up again,
tomorrow life would be good and act sane

Just remember! it's temporary!
Just remember it’s all temporary!
Its anyways gonna  change!

For the good, those who are aware!
For the sad, this might be an option which is rare!
The emptiness inside for having stayed and waited so long for something or that someone,
Or the butterflies inside to be able to unite, if you already have found that special one,
For the sun to rise, the sea also goes through the tides,
For the showers to pour upon,
The clouds also have to burst n glide,

Remember to live !
With lots of happiness to give,
Just remember its all temporary!
The good and the bad!,
Do not anticipate much, do not revisit in the past much,
Memories and dreams should not become your emotional crutch,

On bad days remember!

its gonna change
If it rains, get drenched
if its scorching sun,
go to the bay
but make hay,
while the sun still shines,

Remember, its all temporary, so live in the moments

That warm greet hug from your loved ones when you see them after a long time,
or the last good bye kiss,

Don't let the craziness have these moments give a miss!

Good or bad
Happy or sad!!

Its all temporary!

If you can just stay sane,
Without any delusions or negative notions,

About yourself, the others and the world,

Even For a day or two,
U can be the bubble that busted happiness,
U can be the flower that bloomed promises,
For a more beautiful u,
For the more aware u,
For the better u
For the happy u!
Just remember its all temporary!!
Change is gonna change!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved it vasu!! I needed something like this to read to get back to being normal in my current state! !